New Call for EoI launched in DRC through the Programme on Sustainable development of savannah and degraded forest areas

Savane à Kwilu

April 20, 2023 (Kinshasa, DRC) – A new Call for Expressions of Interest (EoI) was launched today under the DRC-CAFI partnership.


A support programme for the sustainable development of savannah and degraded forest areas, or “Programme d’appui à la mise en valeur durable des zones de savanes et de forêts dégradées” (PSFD) in French, it focuses on the provinces of Kwilu and Tshopo.


The general objective of the programme is to “contribute to the appropriation by farms and agricultural SMEs of sustainable practices for the development of savannah lands and degraded forests, in order to consolidate local economies, maintain forest landscapes and reduce pressure on forest resources, through an improved service offer.”


It aims to support the transition from mining agriculture to efficient and responsible agriculture, by promoting agricultural projects that are economically viable and capable of adopting agroforestry and agroecological practices that allow those involved in local agriculture to stay on their land.


The deadline to submit Expressions of Interest is June 10, 2023. For more information, consult the Call for Expressions of Interest in French, below.