(CLOSED) Cameroon and CAFI launch their partnership first Calls for Expressions of Interest

Cameroon Forest

Geneva and Yaoundé, 26 May 2023 (UPDATED 25.09.23)

The Ministry of Economy, Planning and Land Planning of Cameroon (MINEPAT) and CAFI launched two Calls for Expressions of Interest to all relevant implementing organisations concerned, representing a maximum of 60 million US$. These calls focus on selecting the best implementing partners for pre-identified projects in the first phase of the partnership between CAFI and Cameroon, including:

1) A Coordination Project with Sectoral Ministries, with the objective of reinforcing intersectoral coordination structures and capacities (AMI-2023/02/CMR)

2) A set of integrated projects (AMI-2023/02/CMR), encompassing:

  •  an Integrated Landscape Management Project for Grand Mbam
  • a Capacity Building Broject in land use planning
  • a Support Project for the Development fund for the Cocoa and Coffee Sectors (FODECC)

The starting phase of the partnership between Cameroon and CAFI marks the beginning of a process of progressive long-term commitment. In their cooperation, the partners intend to seek a proportional and progressive increase in funding, actions and the achievement of milestones/results over time, which is why it is expected that project funding will continue during subsequent phases of the partnership depending on the making of reinforced political commitments or the demonstration of convincing results.

The implementing organisations chosen through this call for expressions of interest will be instrumental in consolidating this partnership through coordination with government and local stakeholders, as well as project design and development. that will ensure the success of the partnership in the long term.

An information session, was held exclusively online on June 8 at 1:00 p.m. in Yaoundé (WAST), 2:00 p.m. CEST. A link to a recording of the information session can be found here.

The presentation for this information session can be found here and in the resources below.

Below are the important dates and deadlines:

Friday, May 26 Official launch
Thursday, June 8 13:00 WAST/14:00 CEST Information session
Tuesday, June 13 Closing of question/answer period
Thursday, June 15 Publication of all additional questions and answers
Friday, June 23 Closing of Call for Notes of Expressions of Interest
Monday, June 25 to Friday, July 21 Evaluation period
August-September Publication of selection results


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), published below, were be supplemented by questions received via the email address eoi.cafi@undp.org and after the information session. 

Relevant documents for these AMIs can be found below.

Presentation for Information Session - Calls for Expressions of Interest - Cameroon (French)

Presentation for Information Session - Calls for Expressions of Interest - Cameroon (French), 8 Jun 2023

8 Jun 2023

2023/01/CMR - EoI - Cameroon - Coordination (in French)

2023/01/CMR - EoI - Cameroon - Coordination (in French), 25 May 2023

25 May 2023

2023/01/CMR - Cameroon Coordination - Template for Notes of EoI (French)

2023/01/CMR - Cameroon Coordination - Template for Notes of EoI (French), 25 May 2023

25 May 2023

2023/02/CMR - EoI - Cameroon - General (in French)

2023/02/CMR - EoI - Cameroon - General (in French), 25 May 2023

25 May 2023

2023/02/CMR - Cameroon General - Template for Notes of EoI (French)

2023/02/CMR - Cameroon General - Template for Notes of EoI (French), 25 May 2023

25 May 2023


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


1. What is CAFI and what is its partnership with Cameroon? 

The Central African Forest Initiative (CAFI) is a multi-donor initiative that supports six Central African countries in achieving the objectives of the  Paris Climate Accords and the Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework, eliminating poverty and working towards sustainable development.

This support materializes through enabling, reform and on-the-ground programmes, coupled with high-level political dialogue. CAFI currently has nine donors: the United Kingdom (current Chair), Germany, Belgium, South Korea, France, Norway, the Netherlands, Sweden, and the European Union. CAFI is both a public trust fund and a platform for political dialogue. CAFI engages with the countries of Central Africa through Letters of Intent which set political objectives in exchange for financial support.

To date, CAFI has signed letters of intent with the DRC, Gabon and the Republic of Congo. Cameroon signed the CAFI Joint Statement in 2015, but the country has yet to sign a Letter of Intent (LOI) as the basis for broader CAFI engagement.

By letter dated January 18, 2022, the Presidency of Cameroon confirmed that MINEPAT is officially mandated to coordinate the partnership with CAFI which will be implemented in several phases as follows:

  • Start-up phase (2024-2026)

In order to prepare the ground for the negotiation and signing of a long-term partnership between Cameroon and CAFI, the partners have decided to carry out a three-year pilot phase. Its objective will be to strengthen the capacities of national authorities and Decentralized Territorial Collectivities (CTD) for strengthened and inclusive intersectoral and multi-level coordination, and for strategic and spatial planning, to move towards a "Green Economy" in close line with the objectives and strategic axes of the National Development Strategy 2020-2030 (SND30) and the Rural Sector Development Strategy and the National Agricultural Investment Plan 2020-2030 (SDSR/PNIA 2030).

A series of projects will be implemented during this phase (see next section on the process of developing investment projects as part of the start-up phase of the CAFI-Cameroon partnership).

  • Engagement phase (2026-2030)

Using the resources provided to the Government of Cameroon through a cross-sector and multi-level coordination support project of the partnership (the subject of this MAI), the engagement process takes place as follows:

- The Government of Cameroon defines policy commitments in line with SND30 and sectoral strategies with relevant outcomes/milestones to reduce/minimize deforestation and forest degradation associated with the development of competitive Cameroonian commodity value chains that ensure food security .

- The Government of Cameroon is preparing a plan comprising a series of projects or programs with detailed cost estimates for the implementation of these political commitments.

- The CAFI Board of Directors makes funding commitments based on the political commitments of the Government of Cameroon and the cost estimate presented as part of the planning.

  • Scale-up phase (beyond 2027)

In their cooperation, the partners intend to seek a proportional and progressive increase in funding, actions and the achievement of milestones/results, which is why the engagement process described above will be repeated over time.

Additional funding may be allocated to Cameroon on the basis of demonstrated needs to implement its political commitments and/or strengthen existing projects/programmes with demonstrated results.


2. What is the purpose of these Calls for Expression of Interest (EoI)? 

The objective of the AMIs is to select the implementing organisations that will support the Government of Cameroon in the implementation of the projects of the start-up phase of the Partnership between CAFI and Cameroon.

Each candidate must meet the guidelines set by the following documents: 

  • The Call for Expression of Interest (EoI) specifies the general and specific conditions relating to submissions,

  • The completed Note for Expressions of Interest (see template in link above),

  • The questionnaire to be completed by UN implementing agencies regarding eligibility to access CAFI funding attached to the EoI (if applicable), and

  • The summary of the pilot projects/programs for the start-up phase can be found in the annex of the EoI.

Applications are made in the form of Notes of Expression of Interest, with a view to developing a pre-identified project or program proposal (see 'Summary of pilot projects/programmes for the start-up phase' found in the EoI).

The submission of a Note of Expression of Interest shows a party is interested in bidding for the implementation of CAFI funding in support of the implementation of one pre-identified project or programme. Submission of one Note per project is required (please do not submit one note for more than one project).


3. Which organisations are eligible? 

Bidders or bidding consortia may be the following entities, in accordance with CAFI's legal framework:

  • UN Agencies ; 

  • The World Bank ; 

  • Entities of International Bilateral Cooperation (such as KFW, ENABEL, AFD, GIZ, USAID, JICA, SNV, etc.) already accredited with CAFI;

  • International Non-Governmental Organisations (INGOs) or international research institutes (non-profit), provided that they meet the following criteria:

    • Have a collaboration agreement with Cameroon, or be in the process of obtaining this agreement or commit to obtaining it because they are able to present all the characteristics required to do so;

    •  Have carried out projects with a total cost of at least 5 million USD in Cameroon or in the Congo Basin region over the last 5 years (Equivalent experience in other tropical regions may also be considered);

    • Demonstrate a low level of fiduciary risk based on an independent United Nations standard assessment such as HACT (Harmonized Review for Cash Transfer); This HACT assessment may be carried out after the selection of the expression of interest but must be carried out before any finalization of the legal agreement and transfer of money;

    • Demonstrate a positive assessment of the entity's procedures to address sexual abuse and to address environmental and social safeguards;

CAFI encourages the formation of capacity consortia, particularly between implementing organisations with direct access to CAFI funds as well as those without.

CAFI also strongly encourages the mapping or pre-identification of national organisations as local executing agencies and/or the development of approaches and operational arrangements allowing part of the activities to be delegated to national implementation modalities, thereby strengthening local actors and in a logic of sustainability. This should be noted in the responses to the expressions of interest when possible and relevant but especially at the stage of formulation of complete project proposals. In this case, the feasibility studies will include the capacity building programme, in particular fiduciary, allowing the application and rigorous supervision of the management of activities.


4. How and when can one respond? 

Bidders must express their interest in the form of Notes of Expressions of Interest for the development of one or more project or programme proposals.

The submission of a Note of Expression of Interest expresses the interest in bidding for the implementation of CAFI financing in support of the implementation of one or more pre-identified projects or programs (see 'Summary of projects /pilot programs for the start-up phase' found in the annex of the EoI).

A Note of Expression of Interest presents, in brief:

  1. understanding of the theory of change and its application in the theme(s) considered;
  2. the management capacity of the lead organization or even of a consortium.

This Note of Expression of Interest makes it possible to enter into a dialogue with the CAFI Secretariat and the Government of Cameroon on the programmatic orientations of the project(s) or programme(s) considered.

This submission can be made individually or on behalf of a consortium of national and international organisations. The pre-identification of a consortium of national and international organisations, if possible and relevant at this preliminary stage, makes it possible to highlight the respective and combined strengths of the latter on one or more determined themes.

A successful bid allows, on request, to obtain for certain types of projects or programmes (investment in the field) a preparation grant which aims to conduct a feasibility study and then develop a project proposal.


5. Are there any other steps in the process of accessing CAFI funding for non-UN organisations? 

The eligibility of non-UN organisations meeting the above criteria does not guarantee automatic access to the CAFI Trust Fund. Eligibility must be confirmed after fiduciary assessment (HACT) of applicants by the Multi-Partner Fund Office (MPTF-O) and is subject to the approval of the CAFI Board of Directors, based on assessment.


6. How can non-eligible organizations participate in the call and/or the project(s)?

National NGOs and the private sector, which do not have direct access to CAFI funding, are invited to contact the CAFI implementing organisations to indicate their interest in working on one or more components of the pre-identified projects and initiate discussions on technical and operational elements.


7. What format should I use for expressions of interest?

The template to be completed for the expression of interest notes can be found in Annex 2 of the EoI.

The tenderer must submit this outline completed and written in French or in English (note that the templates are in French but can be completed in English).

The submission may not exceed 15 pages for the expressions (additional documents not included).

Bidders are free to send an expression of interest as a file in .pdf format, but a version of the document in .doc or .docx format is mandatory.

All submissions are considered public.


8. What is the timetable and method for sending expression of interest notes?

Expressions of interest notes should be sent by email to the following address: eoi.cafi@undp.org.

Submissions must be received no later than June 23, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. GMT with the following mentions:

Subject: CAFI submission, for AMI 2023/01/CMR OR AMI 2023/02/CMR

ATTN: CAFI Fund Secretariat


9. What is the process for reviewing Expressions of Interest? 

The CAFI Secretariat will carry out, in consultation with the national party, the evaluation of expressions of interest in two stages:

Step 1: Review of the conformity of the expressions of interest received

Expressions of interest that do not meet the following minimum criteria will be disqualified:

  • The implementing organisation (lead partner in the case of a consortium) is eligible in accordance with the definitions provided in section 4.1.
  • The expression of interest file is complete, including the expression of interest note in the expected format duly completed and the documents listed in section 4.2.
  • The implementing organisation (or consortium) has demonstrated sufficient capacity to implement the selected project(s)
  • The implementation approach is in line with the expectations of the selected project(s) presented in Annex 1 (Summary of pilot projects/programmes for the start-up phase).

Step 2: Evaluation of expressions of interest

Expressions of Interest will be evaluated based on the criteria set out in Section 4.5 of the EoI.


10. What types of programmes and projects are planned? 

Three additional projects are the subject of another "General EoI", published in parallel to the first:

  • An integrated management project of the landscape of Grand Mbam will be implemented in order to strengthen decentralized capacities for: land use planning and governance of natural resources; and cross-sectoral coordination in the respective City and Regional Councils, with a view to testing standardized incentive approaches that can convert into “jurisdictional” emission reduction programmes in the engagement and expansion phases of the partnership.


  • Two national projects with:
  1. A land-use planning project will consolidate and reinforce the ongoing work of several ministries supported in particular by the German Cooperation and the European Union on participatory land-use planning, mapping and monitoring of land use. and land use change.
  2. A Cocoa and Coffee Sector Development Fund (FODECC) support project for the operationalization of a financing mechanism for the agroecological transition of the cocoa and coffee sectors will make it possible to design and deploy a direct support mechanism for producers.


11. What financial means are available?

These calls for EoI aim to develop a pipeline of projects to secure an initial portfolio of effective projects of approximately USD 60 million.

This amount will be broken down between the pre-identified projects, subject of these CEIs, according to the needs estimated and justified in the project/programme documents and according to the arbitrations carried out by CAFI and the Government of Cameroon. The amounts estimated in Annex 1 per project are given for information only.

Additional amounts may be mobilised in the event that other innovative and performance-based project ideas are received and evaluated favorably in support of the sustainable intensification of agriculture and the agro-ecological transition targeting small producers and/or private companies.

The total amount of the EoI will be allocated to several implementing partners, and will therefore be the subject of several projects/programmes, taking into account the expressions of interest received and the evaluation that will be made of them. The financial arbitrations by program will be made after the expression of interest phase, depending on the outcome of the feasibility studies, the quality of the complete project or programme proposals received and the overall composition of the portfolio. The allocation of preparation grants only constitutes support for the conduct of feasibility studies and the development of complete project or programme proposals.

Under no circumstances, neither CAFI nor the Government of Cameroon make the commitment to finance the projects/programmes resulting from the feasibility studies having benefited from the preparation grants. The possible approval of projects or programs will take place at a later stage, according to the Terms of Reference of the CAFI fund and the institutional arrangements agreed between the two Parties.

A note of expression of interest may include a request for a preparation grant ranging from 100,000 USD to a strict maximum of 500,000 USD, allowing the financing of all or part of the feasibility study and then the writing of the project proposal. complete. Only investment projects/programmes in the field and projects/programmes targeting cross-cutting services may be the subject of a preparation grant (sectoral investment projects or territorial approaches; private sector, NGO and PES platform).

Budgets accompanying expressions of interest should be submitted in US dollars (USD) and follow the UNDG format. Indirect costs cannot exceed 7%. As an indication, the following preparation grant amounts are envisaged for various volumes of target projects/programmes:

Target programme  Prep grant
< 5 million USD  100,000 USD 
[5-20] million USD  ≤ 300,000 USD 
> 20 million USD  ≤ 500,000 USD 

The amounts requested must be duly justified, and will remain subject to the approval of the CAFI Secretariat depending on the complexity of the topic considered.

The studies and their data financed under a preparation grant must be fully made available to CAFI and the Government of Cameroon, and comply with the related visibility and communication obligations.

After the signing of the project document for the preparation grant between the implementing organisation and the Government of Cameroon, the funds will be transferred in accordance with the agreements with CAFI's Administrative Agent.

The implementing body applies its own financial management rules and regulations consistent with the implementation terms defined in the expression of interest note and then the CAFI project or programme document.


12. How long is the support offered?

Completion of feasibility studies and development of a complete project proposal: Maximum of 6 months (unless justification duly accepted by CAFI due to the complexity of the programme).

Target projects or programs: Between 2 and 5 years with possibility of extension.


13. What documents should be consulted before submitting a Note of expression of interest? 

Please note that many of these documents are only available in French. Links are included when available. Documents without direct links can be found via this link.

For all projects :


For the Intersectoral and Multi-Level Project:

  • Order establishing the Orientation and Supervision Committee for the implementation of the Rural Sector Development Strategy
  • DECREE No. 2021/1541/PM, 23 March 2021 on the creation, organisation and functioning of the National Committee for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Implementation of the National Development Strategy 2020-2030
  • DECREE No. 2018/9387/CAB/PM, 30 Nov 2018 setting the terms for the creation, organization and functioning of interministerial and ministerial committees and working groups.
  • The draft updated document on the National Strategy for Sustainable Development of the Palm Oil Value Chain 2021 – 2030 (MINADER December 2020).


For the Project to Reinforce Capacities for Land Use Planning: 

  • The Orientation Law (2011) on the Planning and Sustainable Development of the Territory. https://faolex.fao.org/docs/pdf/Cmr192524.pdf  

  • Law No. 2004-003 of April 21. 2004 governing town planning in Cameroon https://faolex.fao.org/docs/pdf/cmr50066.pdf 


    The Methodological Guide for the Development of Local Land Development Plans (PLADDT). (MINEPAT, December 2021)

  • The Methodological Guide for the preparation of Regional Development Plans (MINDDEVEL, 2022)

  • The Methodological Guide for prioritising opening up production basins.


For the project supporting FODECC and a finance mechanism for the agro-ecological transition of cacao and coffee: 

  • The Orientation Guide for the national policy for granting agropastoral subsidies (developed and validated by MINADER and MINEPIA in 2018).
  • Manual of subsidy procedures for agricultural inputs and equipment - categories 1 and 2 productive in Cameroon (MINADER, August 2019).
  • Operational Manual for the Cocoa/Coffee Producers Window (FODECC June 2021).
  • Explanatory comics (volume 1 and 2) for the implementation of the FODECC Producers Window 2021 and 2023.
  • Presentation notes of the Agroecological Transition Financing Mechanism for the Cocoa and Coffee Sectors (AT Egis 2023).


For the integrated landscape project in Grand Mbam :




14. What are the expectations for stakeholder consultation?

Implementing organisations are encouraged to liaise with the sector ministry(ies) and/or national agency(ies) involved in the project(s) to which one(s) they express their interest, but always under the coordination of MINEPAT.

MINEPAT will organise information sessions with the focal points of each of the ministries concerned and will facilitate consultations in order to ensure effective exchanges with national entities.

In order to avoid creating expectations, it is not recommended that implementing organizations engage directly with local stakeholders at this stage. Once selected, the implementing organisations will have sufficient time to carry out thorough consultations with the national stakeholders affected by the project(s).

When formulating full project proposals, it is essential that implementing organisations ensure a process of consultation with different stakeholders, including Cameroonian institutions and national civil society, and outline the steps to be taken in this process. regard in the concept note document.


15. How are the projects linked and what mechanism will ensure coordination between the projects?

The CAFI initiative in Cameroon during the 3-year start-up phase will benefit from financial support in the form of a grant of 60 million dollars, with the possibility of additional support in the form of loans to economic operators through parallel mechanisms set up by CAFI at the regional level. The start-up phase plans to finance four projects which must be well coordinated with each other.

First, an Intersectoral and Multi-Level Coordination Project provides technical and financial resources to MINEPAT and other sector ministries to:

  • Strengthen the intersectoral and multi-level coordination structures and capacities essential for the partnership;
  • Finalise key national strategies/plans;
  • Prepare a reform roadmap, identifying political commitments for a future letter of intent; and
  • Accelerate a pipeline of future investment projects.

This coordination project is therefore essential for the success of the start-up phase of the CAFI-Cameroon Partnership and to guide the investments made on the ground by other projects, and during the subsequent phases of engagement and investment. The CAFI Secretariat therefore drafted the project document.

The coordination structures set up by this project will also ensure interministerial coordination and central interactors in the partnership between CAFI and Cameroon. The implementing body of this project will have to jointly develop with MINEPAT, the coordination mechanism through which the coordination between all the projects of the start-up phase will be ensured.

Second, an integrated management project for the Grand Mbam landscape project will be implemented to build decentralized capacities for: land use planning and natural resource governance; and cross-sectoral coordination in the respective Municipal and Regional Councils, with a view to testing standardised approaches that will enable the Grand Mbam landscape to become a “jurisdictional” emission reduction programme in the commitment and expansion phases of the partnership.

Thirdly, a land-use planning project will consolidate and reinforce the ongoing work of several ministries supported in particular by the German Cooperation and the European Union on participatory land-use planning, mapping and monitoring the use of land and land use change. It will establish a standardised national capacity to support the Decentralized Territorial Collectivities (CTD) in the preparation of land use plans and plans at regional and municipal level. It will also review efforts to secure land ownership for local communities and agricultural investors and draw lessons to guide future reforms. It will provide technical and financial support to interested municipal communes (in addition to those located in Grand Mbam) to prepare, approve and monitor the implementation of local land use and sustainable development plans (PLADDT) for consensual adoption. This project will be piloted by MINEPAT in collaboration with MINDDEVEL and the sector Ministries.

Fourthly, a pilot programme to support the sustainable intensification of agriculture and the agro-ecological transition will make it possible to design and deploy a direct support mechanism for producers through the "Cocoa and Coffee Sector Development Fund" (FODECC ). This project is based on the process of negotiating budgetary support from the European Union to design a manual of procedures for a future “Agroecological Transformation Window”. In this first phase CAFI could also support the "Producer Window which provides results-based agricultural subsidies." The financial resources of the project will be available to several regions and municipalities but with an emphasis on Grand Mbam, in accordance with PLADDT adopted at the level of one or more municipalities. Lessons learned from all pilot projects and programs in terms of the need for reforms and cross-sector and multi-level coordination will inform the development of CAFI's future investment pipeline.


16. Who do I contact if I still have questions?

We advise you to read the Call for expressions of interest carefully, then to refer to these frequently asked questions, which will be updated regularly. If you still have questions, they should be sent by email to eoi.cafi@undp.org specifying your surname, first name and organization. Please note that for the sake of transparency and equity, only questions sent to eoi.cafi@undp.org will be answered.


Additions to the questions & answers for the Cameroon-CAFI Call for Expressions of Interest

1. Does the June 23 deadline for submitting expressions of interest apply to both the AMI on Coordination and the AMI General?

Yes, the June 23 deadline is for the 2 AMIs: Coordination and General (including the 3 projects in the latter).


2. In the document AMI Projet de coordination intersectorielle, page 5, Point 4.3, an "External evaluation" is mentioned. What is meant by "external"?

We expect external and/or independent evaluations conducted by persons not related to those responsible for the design and implementation of the project being evaluated, and which assess the quality of the implementation of the implementing organization's project(s).

This type of evaluation is carried out differently in different organizations, since each organization has its own evaluation policies.

3. In the document AMI Projet de coordination intersectorielle, page 14 section 3 point 3, Annexe 2 : canevas de note d'expression d'intérêt : " Synergies et co financementments ". Concerning synergies:

  • are there other projects of the bidding organization that can strengthen the bidding organization's competence and efficiency?
  • are these other initiatives "in general", not financed by CAFI and currently in progress within the scope of the project?
  • are there other non-CAFI, non-tenderer projects with which the tenderer intends to collaborate for the implementation of the CAFI project (= consortium for the CAFI project implementation strategy)?

These are the three categories of projects or initiatives mentioned in the question.  The implementing organization must have a very good understanding of the context, must demonstrate a good grasp of the dynamics of what is happening in the country (on the ground and in policy); and must be able to synergize with all relevant projects and activities already underway, or proposed in the field.

It is strongly encouraged to mention in the expression of interest whether bidders have sources of co-funding and/or plan to create links with other projects within the framework of these AMI. Co-financing is desirable but not necessary.

4. On page 2, section 2 of the Notes d'Expression d'Intérêt pour Projet de coordination intersectorielle: What is the meaning or scope of the term "agricultural" associated with the expression "development support"? Is it restrictive (to the agricultural sector alone?) or on the contrary generic?

It's generic: we're talking here about support for development in the rural sector.

5. On the intersectoral coordination strategy: do CAFI and MINEPAT want to address the question of intersectoral coordination in connection with steering the SND30 process (which then concerns 07 major sectors in Cameroon?), or only the coordination of sectors relating to rural development (MINDDEVEL + related ministries + private sector)? Or is it an intersectoral coordination of the Ministries involved in implementing CAFI measures?

The intersectoral coordination of the CAFI partnership will be carried out in conjunction with the steering of the SND30 process, which is why this intersectoral coordination project will be led by MINEPAT.

6. Format: some sections specify a page limit, while others do not. Is it possible to expand on these sections while staying within the page limit (15 pages)?

The Expression of Interest is limited to 15 pages (excluding appendices). See the AMI for further details, as well as the answer to question no. 7.

7. Is there a specific font and size for proposals?

No: a suggested format is posted on the website for Expression of Interest Notes in Word, but bidders can change this format if they wish.

8. Can the Expression of Interest be submitted in English? Does an English form exist?

Cameroon is a bilingual country: the two official languages are French and English, so it is possible to submit in English, using the form which is in French.

9. Is there a Word version of the EOI template?

Expression of interest templates in Word format can be found on the cafi.org/cameroon/eoi page, in the Resources section, along with the IMAs and the presentation given at the information session.


10. For the second AMI (General), is it necessary to submit a proposal for all three integrated projects, or would it be possible to submit a proposal for just one?

An organization can express interest in a single project or in several. If an organization wishes to express interest in more than one project, it must submit an expression of interest for each project, but can explain the anticipated links and synergies between proposals.  See question 15 below.

11. What documents must accompany an expression of interest if I am a CAFI-accredited organization? Do already accredited organizations also have to provide documents for accreditation such as financial audits with the Expression of Interest Notes?

All the relevant information on the documents to be supplied, including the template to be completed for Notes of Expression of Interest, can be found in the AMI. Already accredited organizations should not resubmit the requested documentation to non-accredited organizations.


12. Is co-financing possible?

Yes, co-financing of projects is encouraged. It is also desirable for implementing organizations to be able to finance or co-finance the preparation of project documents in order to reduce project start-up times. However, financing or co-financing the costs associated with the preparation of project documents is not an obligation.

13. How will CAFI ensure proper coordination between the 3 project proposals (given the links between the Grand Mbam project, the land development project and the FODECC project)? Via MINEPAT and the coordination project?

These three projects will be coordinated by MINEPAT through the coordination project. This coordination is backed up by the mechanism for monitoring the implementation of the NDS30, which is steered by MINEPAT. Within this framework, the Government has set up secretariats for each sector, with internal technical units. Coordination mechanisms can be clarified with MINEPAT during the preparation of detailed project documents.

14. Does the proposal have to cover the whole scope of the project and the expected results (e.g. expected effects on sustainable agriculture, sustainable forest management, sustainable land use planning, etc.), in which case a large Consortium is needed? Or is the aim to finance several separate projects that would be complementary?

The target project must cover the entire scope of the project and the expected results. This information on the expected results for each project is described in Appendix 1 "Summary of pilot projects/programs for the start-up phase" for the 3 general AMI projects, as well as in the draft project document for the specific case of the cross-sector, multi-level coordination project.

The implementing organization must prepare and implement a project capable of achieving the expected results. If it does not have all the necessary skills, it can identify other organizations with which it can form a consortium. It is the responsibility of the bidders to exchange and organize themselves for this purpose.


15. What level of complexity is expected in section 4.4 of the document (internal policies)?

We expect a short summary of policies and procedures, the bidder may include links to the website(s) where more details are provided. A summary of one or more relevant experiences of the organization in implementing these policies and procedures may be useful, a link to a case study may be provided.


16. The Grand Mbam is a major cocoa-producing basin. In the project described in the AMI concerning the Grand Mbam, is there a link to be made with the FODECC project?  And : For the FODECC project, which communes are pilot landscapes for CAFI?

Yes, the aim of the Grand Mbam integrated landscape management project is to prepare the ground for investment. FODECC operates "Guichets" which are funding mechanisms that can provide the resources needed for these investments. The Grand Mbam Landscape project can therefore plan to orientate producers and make them aware of the opportunities offered by the FODECC.

For the Fond de Développement des Filières Cacao et Café (FODECC), there are no pilot landscapes for CAFI. FODECC concerns all cocoa and coffee producers, whatever their size or location. FODECC provides subsidies to all those who express the need and meet the eligibility criteria.

17. Projects submitted that are not in the pre-identified projects presented in the AMI have no guarantee of funding?

That's correct. We encourage the submission of expressions of interest for other innovative and performance-based project ideas in support of sustainable agricultural intensification and agroecological transition targeting small-scale producers and/or the private sector in the context of this AMI. These project ideas could have a regional scope. However, there is no guarantee of funding for these project ideas.

18. Should projects focus on the coffee and cocoa sectors, or is it also possible to work with other agricultural sectors?

The FODECC support project focuses on the cocoa and coffee sectors.

Within the framework of the coordination project, under the supervision of MINEPAT, resources are available to support the development and finalization of strategies and/or investment plans for the sustainable development of other value chains to reduce deforestation. The adoption of these strategies could trigger additional funding in a second phase of the Partnership between Cameroon and CAFI.

As part of the Grand Mbam integrated landscape management project, concrete actions to reduce deforestation, combined with the expansion of other agricultural value chains, could be supported.


19. Do the evaluation reports to be submitted by non-accredited organizations have to accompany the submission of the appended note?

Yes, if all the requested documents are not included in the submission, it will be considered incomplete and may be rejected.


20. Will MINEPAT with CAFI ensure that submissions from, for example, UN agencies are complementary / in synergy with submissions from others (e.g. GIZ, AFD....)?

The CAFI Secretariat and MINEPAT will be jointly responsible for the technical evaluation of all complete bids received. The decision on the selected implementing organization(s) for each project will be taken jointly by the CAFI Board and MINEPAT.

21. For projects 2 (Projet de renforcement des capacités en matière d'aménagement du territoire) and 3 (Projet d'appui au FODECC), which geographical areas are targeted?

Spatial planning capacity building is a general need. The spatial planning project aims to create the capacity to support spatial planning throughout the country. The aim is to provide technical and financial support for land-use planning, targeting those Regions/Communes that express clear requests, and that meet the priority access criteria that will be established with MINEPAT as part of the preparation of the project document.  

For the Fond de Développement des Filières Cacao et Café (FODECC), there are no pilot landscapes for CAFI. FODECC is concerned with all cocoa and coffee producers, whatever their size or location.


22. If an organization is not registered in Cameroon but confirms its commitment to start the process, will it be eligible?

Submissions from non-accredited organizations meeting all the criteria will be received and will be subject to technical evaluation. If the technical evaluation recommends selection of the applicant organization, the CAFI Secretariat will initiate the accreditation procedure. Full details of this procedure are available on the CAFI website: cafi.org/accessing-cafi-funds.

In the case of Non-United Nations Organizations (NONUs) - the organization must provide a current and valid legal registration document in CAMEROON, or evidence that demonstrates that such registration is possible, as well as its legal status in its country of origin.


23. Apart from the Grand Mbam landscape, no others are mentioned by name. Are we to understand that projects can also be submitted for other landscapes as long as they are in line with the objectives of this fund and the strategies of the Cameroon government?

No, integrated management projects for other landscapes will not be considered under the present AMI.

However, the FODECC support project and the land-use planning project will be able to implement actions in all of Cameroon's landscapes.

Requests for support in preparing a local land-use and sustainable development plan from communes outside Grand Mbam will be considered. These will be selected on the basis of criteria to be defined during preparation of the project document.


24. What is meant by "implementing organization"?

CAFI channels its funding through implementing organizations. Implementing agencies are responsible for developing project documents which must be validated by the Government before being approved by CAFI's Board of Directors. Once the project document has been approved by CAFI's Board of Directors, the implementing organization assumes full programmatic and financial responsibility for the funds disbursed to it by CAFI. The implementing organization implements the activities defined in the approved project document in accordance with its own regulations, rules, guidelines and procedures, using its standard implementation modalities. These vary from one organization to another.

See CAFI website: https://cafi.org/who-we-are/our-partners/implementing-organisations.


25. Is it possible to have more than one partner on a project?

Yes, a consortium of partners is possible. There are two possible scenarios:

  • a project with several implementing organizations (see answer to question 27),
  • a project with a single implementing organization which then subcontracts or enters into partnerships with other organizations.

26. For Consortia: Do they need to be formally agreed, or would a simple "arrangement" between partners at this stage suffice?

At this stage, a formal partnership is not necessary, and an informal partnership (arrangement) may suffice. However, the implementing organization can invite its partners to co-sign the bid as members of the consortium.


27. Is it possible to select more than one implementing organization (lead partner) per project?

It is possible to develop a project with several implementing organizations.  In this case, each implementing organization will be responsible for one or more project outputs, and budgets will be divided accordingly. Each implementing organization will assume full programmatic and financial responsibility for the funds disbursed to it by CAFI, and will implement the activities of the output(s) under its responsibility in accordance with its own regulations, rules, guidelines and procedures, using its standard implementation modalities.

It is important to note that this implementation arrangement is more complex for CAFI to manage. For this reason, implementing bodies wishing to opt for this implementation arrangement must duly justify why it is more advantageous (e.g. greater efficiency, reduced administrative costs, etc.).

28. Does co-signing the application imply co-leadership?

No, not necessarily. It is important to clearly explain the proposed implementation arrangements. See answer to question 25.


29. Can an organization be lead partner for one project and partner in a consortium for another project at the same time?

Yes. If an organization has the skills and capacity to undertake more than one project and can demonstrate this, it is possible to do both.

30. Can an organization participate in several Consortia?

Yes, see above.

31. Can an organization apply for more than one project?

An organization can express interest in being an implementing organization for several projects. To do so, it must submit an Expression of Interest for each project. In these expressions of interest, it must explain the links and synergies anticipated between proposals, and demonstrate the expertise and capacity to carry out more than one project within the framework of these AMI. See question no. 2 in the FAQ.


32. If an organization is already accredited and can receive CAFI funding in, for example, the DRC, is this accreditation valid for Cameroon too?

Yes, as soon as an organization is accredited with CAFI, it is eligible to apply for AMIs in the 6 CAFI countries. However, the organization must submit a current and valid legal registration document in Cameroon, or proof that such registration is possible.


33. Is it possible to propose a project that touches on two of the three projects (e.g. Grand Mbam project + more general PAT project)?

An organization can express interest in several projects. An expression of interest must be submitted for each project.

34. How many partner agencies can submit a joint proposal?

In principle, the number of agencies is not limited. In practice, the added value of each partner in the Consortium must be demonstrated, and in the case of a large number of partners, how coordination will be ensured and transaction costs minimized.


35. What about the eligibility of non-accredited CAFI NGOs that meet all the eligibility criteria? Can the accreditation process start after submission?

The accreditation process may start once the technical evaluation carried out in accordance with the steps and criteria defined in the AMI recommends the selection of the bidding organization.

Information on the accreditation process can be found at the following link : cafi.org/accessing-cafi-funds.

36. If an organization is involved in family planning or health, for example, can it submit a proposal?

No, the projects pre-identified under this AMI do not involve the family planning or health sectors.

37. Is it possible that, after evaluation and on the basis of the relevance of the expression of interest notes, CAFI initiates a process of joining proposals submitted by different implementing organizations in a consortium for the same project? Obviously with an emphasis on the complementarity of proposals.

On the basis of technical recommendations from the CAFI Secretariat and in agreement with MINEPAT, the CAFI Board of Directors may mandate the Secretariat to explore with bidders the possibility of developing a joint project.

38. What level of detail should be included in the budget, given that any allocation of project preparation funding is based on the total estimated budget?

The budget for the target project does not need to be very detailed at this stage; it can be an approximate envelope broken down by product (output).

In the case of a request for a preparation grant, bidding implementing organizations should notify this choice in their expression of interest note, including a preliminary estimate of the associated amount.

39. Question on indirect costs per project, which must be 7% of the project budget. Do these overheads also cover the costs of staff/staff working on a project?

The 7% overheads do not cover the costs of staff/staff working on a project. Personnel/staff working directly on a project are included in direct costs.

As a starting point for project budgeting, direct and indirect costs must be clearly differentiated:

Direct costs involve program, administrative and operational support activities, which are part of the project inputs; and can be objectively traced back to the project activity itself.

Indirect costs, representing costs to the organization which are not directly attributable to specific projects or services, but which are necessary to finance the corporate structures, management and supervision costs of the organization. This type of cost is also known as overheads.

In accordance with CAFI's legal agreements, indirect costs are strictly capped at 7% of total direct costs.

Below is an extract from CAFI's policy on direct and indirect costs, with examples:


Costs that can be directly linked to a CAFI project in a reasonable and economically feasible way and must be part of the PTBA of the CAFI-approved Project document.

  • Personnel and consultants hired for CAFI projects, e.g., technical specialists and project management unit (PMU) staff; these include project manager, project assistant, technical specialist(s), procurement specialist, financial specialist).
  • missions and travel by project personnel/consultants.
  • contractual services (Individual or companies).
  • goods or services related to the PMU or related to the project activities.
  • training, workshops, and events.
  • project-related communication material and publications (production and printing).
  • Grants to sub-recipients.
  • project equipment, furniture, and other supplies.
  • transportation equipment (vehicles).
  • project-level independent evaluations.
  • HACT Assessments and HACT Spot checks by third parties.
  • security services for project personnel or consultants.
  • Rent of office premises and common services cost.
  • preparation of procurement plans by Project Management Unit (PMU).
  • procurement processes performed by PMU.
  • management of consultant activities by PMU.
  • management of output deliverables by PMU.
  • maintenance of records of all project-related documentation by PMU.
  • preparation of progress reports and financial reports for the projects by PMU.
  • projects teams’ consultation with stakeholders.
  • project financial auditing.
  • Etc.

Costs that are not directly attributable to specific projects or services, but are necessary to fund the corporate structures, management and oversight costs of the organization (7% of total direct costs). Examples below of activities below:

  • Design, formulate and present project concept and project documents with substantive workplans and fully costed budgets.
  • Undertake brief in-country consultation mission if necessary.
  • Advise on and participate in project start-up workshops.
  • Develop performance targets, QA indicators and assessments.
  • Oversight activities to ensure project closures.
  • Corporate executive management functions.
  • Corporate resource mobilization functions.
  • Corporate communications advocacy functions.
  • Senior management functions of Office and HQ.
  • Corporate oversight functions (finance, HR, admin, etc.).
  • Accounting and financial management staff at HQ.
  • Independent corporate oversight functions at HQ.
  • Institutional legal support functions at HQ.
  • HR management of personnel.
  • Corporate policy guidance functions on procurement and logistics support for headquarters and country or regional offices.
  • Office management, office resource and financial management, HR management (learning, training, recruitment, performance management).
  • Corporate equipment and related maintenance and depreciation; corporate shared resources not directly attributable to a project, such as corporate IT platforms and security, corporate planning, budgeting, reporting and risk management tools.
  • Supervise project preparation, in consultation with all appropriate stakeholders, including missions to the field, with particular focus on risk assessment, governance issues, execution arrangements, co- financing, capacity development, partnership building and outreach.


40. How will the Project Management Unit function vs. the coordination exercised by the implementing partner? Will roles and responsibilities be reviewed during the formulation phase of each project?

The Government leads the coordination and reforms concerning each project, not the implementing agency.

Those submitting should explain the implementation modalities they can offer, for example:

  • direct implementation, where the organization mobilizes technical expertise and directly procures the products, services and works needed to achieve the expected results;
  • national implementation, where the organization periodically transfers resources to implementing partner(s) (government, NGOs, private sector), who themselves assume responsibility for mobilizing technical expertise and procuring the products, services and works needed to achieve the expected results;
  • a mixed model where the implementing organization transfers some resources to the implementing partner for certain activities and at the same time provides support services at the request of the implementing partner for other activities defined in the project document and/or annual work plan.

The evaluation of Notes will be based on i) the technical assistance the agency proposes to provide, and ii) its operational capacity to ensure delivery working in close collaboration with the Government.

The PMU's composition, role and relationship with other NDS30 coordination structures and those of the implementing organization, as proposed in the draft project document, may be modified during the preparation of the full project proposal, through consultation with MINEPAT and the CAFI Secretariat.

41. Concerning consultations with sector ministries:

  • Who in MINEPAT will coordinate the consultations?
  • Will the consultation process ensured by MINEPAT to ensure synergy of submissions take place before the submission deadline? 
  • Will coordination with MINEPAT take place at this stage or during the project set-up phase?

Please send your request to be put in contact with the responsible Ministry officials to eoi.cafi@undp.org and the team will forward the request.

See also Frequently Asked Questions no. 14.