Preparatory Grant to Develop the National REDD+ Investment Plan (Closed) - Equatorial Guinea


CAFI's intervention focus on building partnerships between the Executive Board and partner countries to support the latter in meeting their needs for sustainable management of land, forest and natural resource and implementing their low-emission development strategies.

To establish these needs and strategies, countries develop multi-sectoral investment frameworks (or plans), covering all sectors affecting or affected by deforestation issues, that highlight the financing needs for an appropriate response.

In Equatorial Guinea, CAFI supported, through a preparatory grant to FAO, the development of a set of background studies, the National REDD+ Strategy and National REDD+ Investment Plan. 

National partners: Ministry of Finance, Economy and Planning and Ministry of Agriculture, Forests, Livestocks and Environment

Implementing agency: FAO

All financial information for this programme may be found on the MPTF Gateway here


million dollars allocated


data-based studies on trends and drivers


strategic documents endorsed


drivers addressed


proposed provincial programmes


stakeholders consulted


  • The grant supported the mobilisation of the Minister of Finance, Economy and Planning and of Agriculture, Environment and Forests (MAGBMA) to lead the national REDD+ process and foster the engagement of stakeholders, awareness-raising, and generation of updated data.
  • This process led to the finalization and launch of the National REDD+ Strategy and the REDD+ National Investment Plan, launched at national level in June 2020. 
  • The National Investment Plan is multi-sectorial and supported by a broad consensus. It provides guidance and support to the efforts of all the parties that will need to be involved in implementing the REDD+ Strategy to reduce emissions and increase carbon sequestration by forests and better manage the country’s forest resources. The Plan makes the REDD+ vision a reality through two main impacts : i) reducing the country’s emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, and increasing, conserving and managing forest carbon stocks ii) diversifying production, with a sustainable approach and integrated land management that improves livelihoods. Specifically, the NIP-REDD+ aims to reduce the country’s emissions from deforestation and forest degradation by 100.6 million tons of CO2 equivalents by 2040, taking into account the implementation period (2020–2030) and capitalization period (2030–2040). A total of US$ 185 million is estimated as needed to achieve this impact. 
  • The development of the REDD+ Strategy and Investment plan catalyzed additional fund mobilisation process, such as the GCF country programme and the design of the National Forest Inventory. The resolutions of the Third National Economic Conference, held in May 2019, reaffirmed the national commitment to a sustainable development model that respects the environment. Unlike previous national development plans, the resolutions of the Third Conference consider forests and forest management as priority aspects of environmental sustainability
  • The REDD+ NIP delineates :
  1. Five national programmes on Land-use planning, sustainable forest management, agriculture and food security, mining, energy & construction and REDD+ governance.
  2. Integrated Local Programmes for the Litoral province, Niefang municipality, KieNtem province, Bioko island and Annobón island.



Prodoc: EQ Preparatory Grant 2016

Prodoc: EQ Preparatory Grant 2016, 1 Dec 2016

1 Dec 2016

Prodoc: 2nd Preparatory Grant for EQ 2019

Prodoc: 2nd Preparatory Grant for EQ 2019, 9 May 2019

9 May 2019

Equatorial Guinea - National REDD+ Investment Plan (English)

Equatorial Guinea - National REDD+ Investment Plan (English), 6 Jun 2020

6 Jun 2020

Equatorial Guinea - National REDD+ Investment Plan (Spanish)

Equatorial Guinea - National REDD+ Investment Plan (Spanish), 21 Jul 2020

21 Jul 2020

Link to CAFI Drive - EQ Preparatory Grant Programme

Link to CAFI Drive - EQ Preparatory Grant Programme, 6 Aug 2020

6 Aug 2020


Photocredit: Beach Littoral region, UNDP CAFI Climate and Forests