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8 February 2017

Support to land use planning & tenure reforms, and to local communities & territorial entities in key forest provinces

The Steering Committee of the National REDD+ Fund has approved, in its third meeting, four new programmes to launch key needed reforms on land use planning and related national land use scheme, and a tenure policy to better secure tenure in the rural sector. In addition, the approved investments will enhance existing actions at the provincial and territorial level in high deforestation REDD+ areas (Oriental province and Sud Ubangui province) where local communities and territorial entities will be supported to sustainably manage and use resources.  

In light of the recent allegations about new illegal allocations of forest concessions, the Steering Commitee of the National REDD+ Fund, a multi-stakeholder body, has indicated its willingness to provide a strong political response and to prevent such acts in the future. The Government has provided information on actions taken to cancel the said concessions, as well as all any illegal concession possibly allocated by the previous administration. These actions echo the requirements of the CAFI Executive Board, a member of the Steering Committee, that demanded, through decision EB.2017.02, that the Government of DRC proceed to immediately cancel these concessions and develops an actioin plan and robust internal measures of oversight. The decision also stipulates that only the immediate cancellation of the concessions and a progresss report would trigger the authorization of fund transfer to implement the four new programs.  

Update : with regard to the illegal allocation of forest concessions, the Ministry of Environment of DRC has published a press release regarding plans to issue a Decree to cancel these concessions. This press release highlights the Ministry's willingness to personnally engage in identifying any other action in violation of the legal framework, as well as in establishing preventive measures. The planned Decree was sent on 4 February to the cabinet of the Prime Minister. It must now be validated by the Council of Ministers before the Minister of Environment can sign it and have it published in the Official Journal. This is in line with the internal oversight measures taken by the Government on 23 January 2017 (letter of the Prime Minister indicating that all planned ministerial decrees must be validated by the Council of Ministers prior to signature). 

The four new programmes are detailed below:

Call for proposals

Programme Amount (USD)




Integrated REDD+ programme for the provinces of Tshopo, Ituri et Bas Uele (Oriental)

Programme document (in French)

33 millions

(1st tranche : 20

2nd tranche : 13)

01 and 09

Integrated REDD+ programme for the province of Sud Ubangi

Programme document (in French)

7 millions


World Bank

Support to land use planning reform

Programme document (in French)

4 millions 



Support to tenure reform

Programme document (in French)

3 millions

(single tranche)


These four new programmes complement the first four programmes approved last October, hence together totalling US$ 91 millions in approved funding since the capitalisation of the National REDD+ Fund by CAFI.

Of these, US$ 60 millions are part of a first, unconditional tranche while the remaining 31 millions are conditionned to programme performance and the evaluation of the milestones of the Letter of Intent.