CAFI and the Sustainable Development Goals


September 21 to 29 2018 was Global Goals Week - a week of activism for all working on the sustaimable development goals. As one of the many global and regional actors working to advance the SDGs, CAFI took on the opportunity to develop simple SG cards demonstrating some of the actions we support on nine goals.

SDG 14 logo

In DRC, CAFI currently funds programmes with the goal to prevent 40 million tons of CO2 from entering the atmosphere over the next 5 years. In Gabon, emissions from forests will be cut by at least 50% by 2025.

SDG 1 logo

CAFI-funded programmes in DRC seek to raise average households revenues by 10 to 20% in key forested province. 

SDG 15 logo

In Gabon and DRC, CAFI supports tools and reforms to make sure forests are protected, sustainably managed and restored, hence preserving habitat for rare and endangered biodiversity. To do so, planning and monitoring the use of land is key.

SDG 17 logo

The CAFI partnership gathers 7 donors6 Central African countries and 7 implementing agencies to coordinate actions to prevent forest cover loss and promote sustainable development. 

SDG 2 logo

How does CAFI ensure sustainable food production systems that spare forest lands? In DRC for example, by supporting agricultural reform and funding programmes that will establish 160,000 hectares of sustainable subsistence agriculture.


To reduce pressure on forests while ensuring access to energy, CAFI will help DRC reform its energy policy; plant 7000 ha of trees for wood-energy; and promote the sustained use of efficient cookstoves and clean cooking solutions.

SDG 5 logo

By supporting family planning and access to modern contraception in DRC, CAFI will help ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health. 

SDG 9 logo

Through its ambitious national land use plan, and with CAFI support, Gabon will be able to develop its industry infrastructure and roads with the least possible impact on forests.