A map has been widely circulated online – what does it show?

This map supposedly shows where current and potential concessions are, according to Rainforest Foundation UK.

In addition to the unlikely assumptions on potential concessions, this map has numerous errors.

For example, contract Baulu- COTREFOR 09/11 is signaled as illegal: this is not true, as this was one of the first contracts with a validated management plan in 2013. The two contracts to Motema in Equateur have a validated management plan, but seem marked as orange. Finally, certain concessions appear as legal on the map, but have not yet submitted their management plan (Bego Congo 22/11, Compagnie des bois 21/11, ITB 05/11)

Correct, updated data is published on the web site of the DRC Ministry of Environment, and the map of the process is updated regularly.