Three women at sowing


Submissions expected by 14 September 2020

5 August 2020 : Following the Central African Republic's signature of the CAFI Joint Declaration in 2015, the elaboration of the National Investment Framework (NIF) in 2019 and CAFI Executive's Board decision EB.2020.09the CAFI Secretariat has issued a call for expressions of interest to identify and select and implementing agency to foster CAFI's policy dialogue with the government of the Central African Republic and analyze the feasibility of the pilot iniatives identified in the NIF. 

In accordance with CAFI's legal framework, tenderers or bidding consortia must be:

  • Agencies of the United Nations System;
  • The World Bank;
  • International Cooperation Organisations, namely: KFW, DFID, Enabel, AFD, GIZ, USAID, JICA, SNV; or
  • Other organisations, such as international non-governmental organisations or research institutions. 

Interested agencies are asked to download the documents below and return the completed Form to the CAFI Secretariat ( by 14 September 2020.


Call for Expression of Interest in Central African Republic (2020)

Call for Expression of Interest in Central African Republic (2020), 12 Mar 2021

12 Mar 2021

TORs for Call of Expression of Interest in the Central African Republic (2020)

TORs for Call of Expression of Interest in the Central African Republic (2020), 12 Mar 2021

12 Mar 2021

EB.2020.09 Central African Republic Expression of Interest

EB.2020.09 Central African Republic Expression of Interest, 12 Mar 2021

12 Mar 2021