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DRC High Level Event at COP-22

15 November 2016: The event, hosted in the UNDP Pavillion at COP 22 on 15 November (13:00 to 14:30), presented the areas of the DRC REDD+ Investment Plan where implementation has begun, and how this aligns with existing initiatives in the country.

It also showcased how cross-sectoral and multi-stakeholder coordination for REDD+ works in practice in DRC through the National REDD+ Fund, and is an opportunity to discuss how the momentum created by signing of the DRC- CAFI Letter of Intent can be leveraged to scale up funding for the DRC National Fund for REDD+, from further investments to results-based payments.

Opening and welcome remarks were delivered by Magdy Martinez Soliman, Director of the Bureau for Policy and Programme Support, of UNDP (see full statement and video). Statements, on behalf of Robert Bopolo, Minister of Environment, Nature Conservation and Sustainable Development, DRC, and Vidar Helgesen, Minister of Climate and Environment, Norway, emphasized the need to deep and structural changes in how lands are used, and partnerships needed to stop deforestation.

Félicien Mulenda, co-coordinator of the Secretariat of the National REDD+ FUND, kicked off the technical segmentof the event with a presentation, Towards the implementation of the REDD+ Investment Plan.

The strong national ownership demonstrated by DRC for a national approach to REDD+ and for a nationally coordinated programmatic approach for receiving GCF REDD+ investments was then discussed by international and national experts : 

  • Per-Fredrik Ilsaas Pharo, Director, Norways’ International Climate and Forests Initiative
  • Benoit Bosquet, Practice Manager, Environment and Natural Resources Global Practice, World Bank
  • Issa Lingbelu Tiapele, Groupe de Travail Climat- REDD Rénové, RDC
  • Karsten Sach, Director General - Climate Policy, European and International Policy, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety of Germany
  • Jean-Luc François, Head of Agricultural, Rural Development and Biodiversity  Division, French Development Agency
  • Adriana Dinu, Executive Coordinator, Bureau for Policy and Programme Support, UNDP
  • Berta Pesti, head of the CAFI Secretariat (moderation)



DRC High level event at COP -22 - Programme

DRC High level event at COP -22 - Programme, 15 Nov 2016

15 Nov 2016

Presentation - Towards the implementation of the REDD+ Investment Plan

Presentation - Towards the implementation of the REDD+ Investment Plan, 15 Nov 2016

15 Nov 2016

Magdy Martinez
Magdy Martinez Soliman, Director, Bureau for Policy and Program Services, UNDP, describes how remarkable 2016 has been for DRC's REDD+ efforts, and how UNDP has supported them
Felicien Mulenda
Felicien Mulenda, of the Ministry of Finance calls for strengthening the global partnership by mobilizing the Green Climate Fund
Victor Kabengele
Victor Kabengele, on behalf of the Minister of Environment, recalls how the DRC REDD+ Investment Plan is federating partners and sectors
Per Pharo
Per Pharo, Director of the Norwegian International Climate and Forest Initiative, emphasizes Norway's support while noting the "rough and tough road ahead"
Berta Pesti
Berta Pesti, head of the CAFI Secretariat, introduces the technical segment of the event l
Six National experts
The six national and international experts of the technical panel represent implementation partners, donor governments, the Board of the Green Climate Fund and a civil society
Karsten Sach
Karsten Sach, Adriana Dinu, and Benoit Bosquet discuss how the national approach presented by the DRC Government is in line with the GCF objectives of delivering a paradigm shift and true national ownership
Benoit Bosquet
Benoit Bosquet, Jean Luc François and Issa Lingbelu Tapiele discuss sustainable supply chains and access to lands for communities