Preparatory grant : develop a project to scale up zero-deforestation cocoa production


This preparatory grant supports the preparation of a large scale project on sustainable agricultural intensification and agroecological transition in Cameroon, through the Coffee and Cocoa Subsector Development Fund (FODECC in French)

See here for more information and context.


Photo by NARONG KHUEANKAEW  via Vecteezy

National Partner

Ministry of the Economy, Planning and Regional Development (MINEPAT)

Implementing Organization

International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

All financial information for this project may be found on the MPTF Gateway here.


US$ transferred in December 2023


US$ spent as of 30 June 2024


Studies and manuals to develop sector-specific strategies


  1. Drafting of a comprehensive project document targeting the sustainable intensification of agriculture and the agroecological transition within Cameroon’s cocoa and coffee sectors. The project was developed and approved by the Executive Board in June 2024.
  2. Draft studies and reference manuals including:
    • An analysis and assessment of capacities and needs for goods and services of FODECC,
    • Projection studies on the speed of enrolment of FODECC.
      • projection of available liquidity and financial needs of the 3 components of the FODECC producer window,
      • market studies defining the development strategy of coffee/cacao sectors towards agroecology.

Link to CAFI Drive - FODECC Prep Grant

Link to CAFI Drive - FODECC Prep Grant, 20 Aug 2024

20 Aug 2024