Support to sustainable agricultural intensification and agro-ecological transition in Cameroon


As the world's 5th largest cocoa producer and a major coffee grower, Cameroon is firmly committed to the production of sustainable cocoa and to supporting its producers in complying with the requirements of the European regulation on deforestation-free products (EUDR).

Cameroon's 700,000 coffee and cocoa producers, the majority of whom are smallholders, face major challenges in complying with the EUDR. For example, geolocation transparency requirements are a challenge for smallholders, putting them at a disadvantage compared to larger farms.  

To support small-scale producers in their agro-ecological coffee and cocoa production, Cameroon has developed a unique funding tool, the Development Fund for the Cocoa and Coffee Sectors (in French ‘Fonds de Développement des Filières Café et Cacao’, or FODECC).  

FODECC already manages a direct funding mechanism for cocoa and coffee producers called the "Guichet Producteurs". Funded in the amount of 12 million euros/year by national resources through a levy on cocoa and coffee exports, FODECC has enabled the geolocation of plots and the opening of accounts for the 130,000 small-scale producers in Cameroon who benefit from subsidies for the sustainable intensification of their production.  

The establishment of this system has received support from the European Union as part of the 2023 sector reform contracts. The Cameroon government's objective is to scale up the scheme to support all 700,000 Cameroonian households dependent on these 2 export sectors to Europe, and ultimately to support the 2.7 million Cameroonian households dependent on agriculture in their transition to deforestation-free agroecological practices.  

Moe information on FODECC on the FODECC You Tube channel


US$ approved in June 2024


Increase in cocoa and coffee production by 2030 while avoiding deforestation


Zero-deforestation cocoa smallholders to be supported by 2025

Expected results

The project has the following objectives:  

  1. Institutional strengthening of FODECC, through:
    • capacity building of FODECC
    • support for the operationalization and digitisation of FODECC
    • construction of a new FODECC headquarters in Yaoundé
    • advocacy actions and support to mobilisation of complementary internal and external funding.
  2. Replenishment of its Guichet Producteurs and its various specialized sub-guichets, which directly subsidize beneficiaries in the 8 regions via electronic vouchers, business plans, agro-ecological transition plans and agricultural advice. The challenge is to increase national coffee and cocoa production, particularly for the benefit of small-scale farmers, without creating new forest clearings.
  3. Increase and diversification of the Guichet Producteurs' internal and external financial resources, in particular through international mechanisms for payments for environmental services.


Link to CAFI Drive - FODECC Project

Link to CAFI Drive - FODECC Project, 16 Aug 2024

16 Aug 2024