Central African Republic : High-level dialogue places forests and biodiversity at heart of 2024-2028 National Development Plan

Road with welcome sign RCA


14 October 2024 - Bangui, CAR - Today a high-profile event was held at the Caisse Nationale de la Sécurité Sociale, under the very high patronage of H.E.M. Faustin Archange Touadéra, President of the Republic, bringing together key players from the Central African Republic (CAR) and international representatives to discuss the crucial issues of climate finance and forest preservation. This High-Level Dialogue on Afforestation, Biodiversity and Climate Finance marks a new stage in the country's commitment to protecting its natural wealth, while addressing the challenges of sustainable development and resilience in the face of climate change.

Highest levels of commitment

H.E. Mr. Touadéra, in his closing remarks, underscored CAR's ambition to translate climate ambitions into practical action opportunities. He announced the creation of the CAR National Fund to finance the fight against climate change (FONACAR in French acronym). Thanking the CAFI Executive Board for its support, he noted the mobilisation of US $10 million.

At the President's instigation, the event was attended by many high-ranking participants. On behalf of the CAR Government, the Ministers for Finance and the Budget and for the Environment and Sustainable Development respectively presented the climate finance architecture in the Central African Republic and the Government's priorities for the partnership with CAFI. The latter, as well as the Minister in charge of Water, Forests, Hunting and Fishing, have all been designated as focal points for the partnership with CAFI, and as such have been instructed by H.E. the President to deepen the dialogue with CAFI.

Representing CAFI Executive Board were H.E. Mr. Odd Mølster, Norway Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, and H.E. Mr. Bruno Foucher, Ambassador of France; as well as, virtually, H.E. Mrs. Alyson KING, Ambassador of the United Kingdom.

Finally, the United Nations Development Programme, that supported the organization of the event, was represented by its Resident Representative in CAR, Mr. Jean-Luc Stalon.

Towards sustainable, inclusive growth that respects natural resources

The agenda reflected both the country's current priorities and those of its international partners.

The High-Level Dialogue began with a presentation by Ms. Noura HAMLADJI, Deputy Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, who reiterated the full support of the United Nations to CAR in meeting its commitments under its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC).

The UNDP Resident Representative then outlined the carbon process, in particular carbon credits and markets.

In his presentation, the Minister of Finance and Budget outlined CAR's climate finance architecture. This aims to establish a clear strategy for mobilizing the international financing needed to protect the country's natural resources, while ensuring inclusive development.

In a video intervention, H.E. Ms. Alyson KING, in her capacity as representative of the Presidency of CAFI Executive Board, praised the Government's efforts and reaffirmed the importance of sustainable natural resource management:

“Maintaining and preserving the wealth, resources and forests of the Congo Basin countries, and in particular the Central African Republic, is important to us all. These resources are essential to the inclusive and sustainable growth of your countries.

H.E. the Norwegian Ambassador went on to stress the importance of concrete, measurable results on the ground, notably through the implementation of the first integrated pilot projects financed by CAFI to the tune of 10 million dollars, in order to be scaled up and mobilize any additional funding. He also underscored the importance of institutional arrangements that would enable H.E. the Prime Minister to confirm the partnership's leadership, and to designate one or more focal points.

The priorities of the Central African Government, which will underpin a partnership agreement with CAFI, were presented by the Minister for the Environment and Sustainable Development, in three key areas, namely

  1. integrated and inclusive land-use planning, and greater security of land tenure
  2. the adoption of good environmental and social practices, and
  3. the development of sustainable, job-creating, deforestation-free agriculture.

Complementary funding from CAFI

This event represents a strong political signal, launched by the Government of the Central African Republic at the highest level, which, thanks to the support of national and international technical and financial partners, including CAFI, continues to strengthen its commitment to preserving its forests and combating climate change. The country's National Development Plan (NDP), as well as the REDD+ National Investment Framework, demonstrate the government's ambition to make the environment a strategic pillar of its development.

In February 2024, CAFI's Executive Board allocated $10 million to implement an integrated pilot project in CAR, focusing on the Bangui area and its periphery. This commitment, combined with the government's willingness reiterated today, is expected to enable concrete results in terms of sustainable development as early as 2025.


All representant

Additional resources

Watch the Full event (in French) here

Learn more about CAFI's partnership with the Central African Republic




Photocredits : top picture : Clément Hamon, CAFI ; bottom picture : UNDP CAR